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Save-me 19-piece first aid kit. 5 plasters, 4 alcohol pads, bandage, triangle bandage, 2 safety pins, 5 gauzes, and scissors in nylon pouch...
Alexander 30-piece first aid waterproof bag. Strong and durable tarpaulin waterproof bag with 30 pieces of first aid supplies. The roll-top closure...
Valdemar 16-piece first aid keyring pouch. Convenient polyester pouch with keyring that holds 16 pieces of first aid supplies. Great for travelling...
Healer 16-piece first aid kit. EVA pouch including 4 alcohol pads, 1 non woven sponge, 5 adhesive plasters, 1 paper tape, 1 bandage, scissors, 2...
Ideal first kit. Includes alcohol pad trauma pad 10 wound dressings adhesive strip confirming bandage 2" confirming bandage 3"...
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